please tell us
a little bit about Software Installation Ltd."
We began in 1985
as a firm of software designers and developers producing tailored accounting solutions
for the SME market and providing database design and consultancy to other large
companies. Over the next two decades we added expertise in database design, data warehousing, data extration,
reporting and visualisation to our portfolio. |
The next 10
years saw the development of several new reporting tools and dashboard
visualisation products which we embraced and integrated into our clients' MI
systems. The Integration of standard packaged software, such as Sage with
our own tailored solutions followed for the next 3 years and this is where we are
currently helping many clients today. |
picLogia is
the Business Information wing of Software Installation Ltd. and has grown to
serve the needs of business to visualise and to present key performance
indicators, trends and other management information in real time using dasboards
and products like PowerBI.
Over the past 5 years, picLogia has been helping businesses just
like yours to improve their MI and BI implementations. |
Using the
various skills we have perfected over the past 30 years, we are sure we can help your business to get to grips with the data
you collect during business as usual and to produce meaningful management
information. We know how to develop tailored solutions that integrate seamlessly
with your vital BAU processes. |