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Reporting Solutions tailored to suit your Business needs

is this how you think of your reports? is this how your reports make you feel? do you need help? speak with the people at picLogia picLogia are experts in solving reporting issues thanks, that's a lot clearer to understand. and so is that! well that's all sorted thankyou!
Q. Why are my company's reports so hard to create and dificult to read?

You're not alone - this happens in many businesses and it's usually because reporting comes as an afterthought in many IT implementations. When coupled with mixing different reporting tools and programming personnel, the result can sometimes be difficult to use and read. The answer is to standardise the approach, look, feel and underlying technology delivering the reports.
    But don't despair - we have lots of experience with such situations, particularly with re-working Crystal Reports or converting them to Microsoft's Reporting Services platform -  SSRS. We can also show your own people how to do it themselves.
Of course, we can also build new reports for you using SSRS and Power BI - or your own particular reporting tool.
    If your organisation uses Sage Accounting, SOP, POP or Stock Control, then we can help you with your reports and we can also extract information and feed it into tailored Dashboards or Excel workbooks with easy to use and user friendly menus.  If your organisation utilises a standard  database such as Microsoft SQL Server, we can also do this for you. Additionally, we can integrate your Sage Accounting with your database and or your own proprietary software.     Hopefully, you can see that we have all the right experience when it comes to reporting matters. That's why we are sure we can help your business to improve your reports production, distribution and visualisation, enabling you to make quicker and more informed business decisions in a cleaner, fresher way.
"Sounds like you can put some new life into my company's reporting systems. I think I'll be in touch very soon." I think you had better fix my business's reports right away!

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